Manual Material Handling Safety
Yogyakarta, 16-18 Oktober 2012
This study unit introduces the safe techniques and work practices commonly used when handling manufacturing and industrial materials manually. Trainees will learn the procedures necessary to avoid physical injury to yourself and those working with you, for both manual handling methods and mechanical handling methods. You will also learn procedures that minimize damage to the materials being moved and to facility property. Knowing the proper procedures will also give you the insight to decide when mechanical handling is necessary, or preferred, over traditional physical handling.
The purpose of this workshop is to give those who attend the basic information and concepts needed for Manual Materials Handling hazard/risk recognition. Manual Materials Handling (MMH) is an important application of ergonomic principles that particularly addresses back injury prevention.
Course Objectives
- Identify the costs of MMH injuries
- Clearly define the activities involved in MMH
- Apply the concepts of MMH modeling to hazard recognition
- Recognize the factors that influence MMH
- Understand and apply the guidelines for safe lifting
- Return to the workplace and conduct a basic survey of MMH risks
Course Outline
- An Introduction to Material Handling
- Example of manual Material Handling
- Risk of Injury to the Human Body
- Cost of Manual Material Handling
- Lifting/Lowering:
- Pushing/Pulling:
- Twisting
- Carrying
- Holding
- Anatomy of the Spine
- Posture Perfect
- Disc Herniation & Degeneration
- MSD Defined
- Understanding MSD Hazards
- Fixed or Awkward Postures
- Repetition
- Recognizing Signs & Symptoms of Musculoskeletal
- Recognizing Jobs with MSD Hazards
- Engineering, Administrative and PPE
- Back Belts in the Workplace
- Job Tasks Design
- Work Station Design
- Tips of Eliminating & Controlling MSD Hazards
- Five activities that involve Manual Material Handling- examined
- Biometrics of Manual Material Handling
- Musculoskeletal Disorder
- Recognizing Signs the hazards of Manual Material Handling
- Controlling Workplace Manual Material Handling Hazards
- Safe Manual Material Handling
Who Should Attends
All employees and sub contractors undertaking manual handling tasks need to complete the applicable task specific training. Experienced skilled trades persons can be utilized to mentor new and young employees. For example the leading hand/foreman can demonstrate the use of mechanical handling devices to the apprentice
Course Methode
Presentation, Discussion, Simulation, and Evaluation.
Ating Sudrajat, Ir, MT
- ·Module / Handout
- ·softcopy Materi
- Sertifikat
- Bag or bagpackers
- Training Kit
- 2xCoffe Break & 1 Lunch
- Souvenir
Time & Venues
Reguler Training
Tanggal : 16-18 Oktober 2012
Pukul : 08.00 – 16.00 WIB
Tempat : Yogyakarta
In House Training
Depend on request
Course Fee
Minimum 3 orang peserta