Heat Exchanger Design and Calculations
Yogyakarta, 21 s.d 28 Januari 2013
- Learn the general design considerations covering process side, air side, fan selection and physical properties
- Investigate thermal design principles, counter current exchangers and extended surfaces
- Explore process-side events and responses, including single and two phase heat transfer, boiling, condensing and fouling
Course Content
1. Fundamental of heat transfer and fluid mechanic theory
- Mechanism of heat transfer
- Overall heat transfer coefficient
- Inside film coefficient
- Outside film coefficient
- Heat duty
- Sensible heat
- Latent heat
- Heat lost to atmosphere
- Heat transfer from a fire tube
2. General heat exchanger types an components
- Shell-and Tube Heat exchanger
- Double Pipe Heat Exchanger
- Plate-and-Frame Heat Exchanger
- Force-Air Heat Exchanger
- Waste Heat Recovery
3. Characteristic of heat exchanger
- Liquid to liquid heat exchanger
- Gas to gas heat exchanger
- Liquid to gas heat exchanger
- Air cooler or forced-air heat exchanger
- Steam generator
- Condenser
4. Applicable standard for design and calculation of heat exchanger
5. Selection of heat exchanger
- Classification
- Type
- Service fluid and fluid placement
- Operating condition
6. Material selection based on standard of ASTM
- Tube
- Tube sheet
- Flange
- Nozzle
- Shell
- Stud bolt, etc
7. Basic design of heat exchanger
- Method in design and calculation
- Steps to design
- Example of calculation problem
8. Performance of heat exchanger
– Performance parameter
9. Service life time, reliability and maintenance
10. General review of thermal insulation
- Requirement
- Benefit of insulation on thermal equipment
11. Type of thermal insulation
- Characteristic
- Selection of material for proper application
12. Insulation thickness calculation
- Economic insulation thickness calculation
- Heat loss calculation
- Introduction to applicable tables and practical formula to define pipe insulation
13. Real case studies of calculation from field experience problem
- Designers and operators of air cooled heat exchangers in process and power industries
- Engineers involved in the specification of air-cooled heat exchangers for the full range of process applications including condensers, gas and liquid coolers
- Anyone requiring to assess technical proposals for air cooled heat exchanger equipment
- Engineers involved in the design, specification, or operation of process or power heat recovery equipment, including heat recovery steam generators will find the material appropriate.
- New engineers wishing to gain experience in heat transfer and heat exchanger design
Course Methode
- Presentation
- Discuss
- Case Study
- Evaluation
- Simulation
DR.Ir. Harwin Saptoadi, MSc. & Team
- Pakar sekaligus praktisi di bidang Mechanical Engineering
- Aktif sebagai pembicara dan instruktur dalam berbagai pelatihan dan seminar terkait bidang Industrial Engineering
Time & Venue
21 s.d 28 Januari 2013
08.00 – 16.00 WIB
Ibis Hotels Malioboro
Course Fee
Public Training (NON RESIDENTIAL)
Rp. 6.550.000,-/nett per participant non residential
**Special Rate Rp 5.000.000,-/ nett per participant Non Residential For Register Min 5 Participant from the same company**