Mechanical Cabinet Actuator (Hydraulic)
Hotel Ibis Yogyakarta l 22 – 24 Oktober 2014 l 08.00-16.00 WIB
Rp.6.000.000,- per peserta (Non-Residential)
Rp.5.000.000,- per peserta (Pendaftaran 4 peserta dari 1 perusahaan)
This course offers instruction on the Mechanical Cabinet Actuator equipment. The course material and exercises provide training on the ballhead, dashpot, pilot valve, distributing valve, linkage and restoring. Lectures and hands-on exercises provide for a thorough understanding of the equipment.
During the hands-on portion of the class, a minor overhaul is preformed on the test stand including: Disassembly of the ballhead, dashpot, pilot valve, oil motor, flow regulator, and linkage. May also include disassembly of the distributing valve.
Hand calibration includes: Setting oil motor speed, relay vibration, gate position/gate limit hand alignment, checking for zero droop and setting ballhead speed.
NOTE: The pumps, unloader valve and pressure tanks are not covered in this class, but any questions pertaining to these items will be addressed.(ep)
- Instructors background
- Purpose and scope of instruction
- Governor Basics
- Isolated System/Droop
- Theory of Operation
- Ballhead Governor
- Pilot Valve and Relay Valve Systems
- Dashpot, compensation, and Restoring
- Dither
- Calibration
- Demonstration of test stand
- Start hands on
- Complete disassembly
- Reassembly of components
- Mechanical Calibration
- Mechanical Adjustments
- Demonstration of stand still functioning
- Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting
- Questions and answers
Ir. Teguh Pudji Purwanto, MT
Dr. Eng. Deendarlianto
- Presentation
- Discussion
- Case Study
- Evaluation
- Certificate, Training Kit, Module / Handout, Softcopy (USB flashdisk) Lunch, Coffee Break, Souvenir.
- Transportasi antar jemput selama training ( bandara / stasiun/ terminal, Hotel-tempat pelatihan PP)
Engineers, technicians, and other qualified personnel concerned with operations and maintenance of Mechanical Hydraulic Actuator in the Hydro Power industry.
Biaya Investasi: Rp.6.000.000,- per peserta (Non Residential)
Rp.5.000.000,- per peserta (Pendaftaran 4 peserta dari 1 perusahaan)