Basic Design And Engineering

Basic Design And Engineering

Basic Design And Engineering  2

Engineering Design is increasingly driven by the objectives of performance, cost and environmental sensitivity. All three very frequently are limited by materials.
There are somewhere between 60,000 and 100,000 materials available to the engineer. They are drawn from all material classes: metals, polymers, ceramics, glasses, elastomers, composites and so forth. No engineer expects to know much about more than a few, yet to ignore the others will mean eventually, that an opportunity for innovation is missed. The research explores contemporary data sources and techniques for innovative materials selection in mechanical, thermo-mechanical, electro-mechanical and environmentally-sensitive design. It has led to the development of the Cambridge Materials Selector (CMS), a software tool for optimal materials selection. CMS enables the identification of the small subset of materials which will perform best in a given design, from within the full menu of materials.

1.Engineering Materials : Logam Ferrous
2.Engineering Materials : Logam Non- Ferrous
3.Metals Standard (ASTM, ASME, SAE, API,UNS)
4.Diagram Phase, struktur Mikro
5.Heat Treatments pada Engineering Materials
6.Product Production (Piping & Tubing, Plates, Fitting, Bolts, Profiles)
7.Static and Dynamic Loads, Impact load, Mechanical Test
8.Materials Properties (Yield Strength, Tensile strength, Rupture strength, Elongation and Strain, Fatigue Strength, Toughness, Hardness)
9.Weld ability, Machinability, Wear and Abrasive Resistance
10.General Corrosion (Corrosion Types and Corrosion Resistance)
11.Bearings (Plan bearings and Rolling Bearing)
12.Lubrication Systems (Hydrostatic, Hydrodynamic)
13.Bearing Assembly & Bearings Troubleshooting
14.Electrical Distribution Systems
•Electrical Power System Configuration
•Electrical Distribution Network,
•Distribution Panel
15.Electrical Machines
•Electrical Motor Fundamental
•Motor Starting and Braking
•Motor Protection
16.Electrical Safety
•Basic Safety Concepts
•Electrical Hazards
•Safe Operation

Engineers (design / construction, mechanical, civil, structural, production, maintenance), metallurgists.
Manager/ Superintendent/ Supervisors who is accountable to deal with materials, Structure Engineer,
Procurement managers, Suppliers of engineering materials, All engineers and managers who wish to
broaden their knowledge

Presentation, Discussion, Simulation, Case Study, and Evaluation

Ir. Joko Winarno, M.Eng
Expert and experienced in mechanical engineering. His specified skill is material science / Metallurgy

Time & Venue
TANGGAL : 27 – 29 April 2015
WAKTU : 08.00 – 16.00
TEMPAT : Hotel Grand Aston Yogyakarta

•Convinience Meeting room
•Airport pick-up and drop service
•Transportation during training
•2x coffee break and lunch during training
•Training kit

Rp. 5.000.000/ participant (non residential)
SPECIAL RATE Buy 3 Get 1 freee

Ir. Rini Dharmastiti, MSc. PhD.
(CV Terlampir)

Registration Contact


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