The AutoCAD 2012 Update for AutoCAD 2011 Users training guide introduces the new and enhanced features of AutoCAD 2012. Topics covered range from general improvements and command enhancements to new 3D modeling techniques and customization workflow. There are enhancements to many commands as well many new commands have been added.
Among the many changes in this new release are the general user interface components such as, Command Line, UCS, Ribbon, Multifunctional Grips, Object selections, Snapping, Quick Properties, External References, and Layers.
There are several updates to commands such as Fillet, Chamfer, Join, Spline, Multileaders, and various 3D tools such as 3D Model Import file types, Presspull, Point Clouds, Trimmed surface properties, and creation previews. Many new tools are introduced such as Nudge, Blend Curve, DWG Convert, 3D Offset Edge, Autodesk Exchange, and the Associative Array commands (Rectangular, Polar, and the new Path).
Some major new functionality includes the power to automatically generate intelligent documents based on 3D models with the new Drawing Views toolset. Another function to revolutionize online collaboration is the direct access to AutoCAD WS. Finally, searching for objects within your large database and libraries is improved with the new arrival of the Content Explorer.
- Interface enhancements
- Object selection and grouping
- Multifunctional grips
- Command enhancements including Fillet, Chamfer, Join, and Spline
- New object moving functionality – Nudge
- New object connection with continuity too – Blend Curve
- Associative Arrays including Rectangular, Polar, and new Path
- Style enhancements to External References, Multileaders, and Layers
- UCS improvements
- New 3D Model Import file type list
- New 3D Offset Edge command
- Various 3D command enhancements
- New Automatic 3D Model Documentation toolset
- New DWG conversion capabilities
- Customization updates, including Migration, Resets, File support, and File paths
- New Autodesk Exchange
- New direct access to AutoCAD WS
- New Content Explorer
Course Methods
Exposure of the theories in class on the first day and practice activities in the next two days using computer program
This training guide assumes familiarity with AutoCAD 2011. Many of the changes covered in this training guide are based on features that have been included in the recent releases of AutoCAD, such as Multifunctional Grips, Arrays, and 3D tools.
Project Leader and Estimator, Contractor and Consultant in construction projects
Akhmad Aminullah, Ir., MT, Ph.D.
Menyelesaikan program doctoral dengan konsentrasi struktur dari Inha University, South Korea. Menguasai berbagai tools dan software / program yang umum digunakan dalam pekerjaan konstruksi dan kegiatan proyek, antara lain Microsoft Project, ETAP, AutoCad, Sketch Up, 3D Max dan SAP 2000. Aktif sebagai instruktur /narasumber pada berbagai kegiatan seminar dan pelatihan di berbagai instansi pemerintahan dan institusi pendidikan.
- Module / Handout
- CD softcopy Materi
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- Training Kit
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- Souvenir
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- Training room full AC and Multimedia
Time And Venue
Waktu :
28-30 Agustus 2012
25-27 September 2012
23-25 Oktober2012
06-08 November 2012
18-20 Desember 2012
Biaya Training : Yogyakarta 7.000.000/peserta
Bali 12.000.000
Jakarta 8.000.000/peserta
Min quota 4 orang
Phone/Fax : (0274)6591928/(0274)4531080
Mobile : 081-215-502-027