ASME ( American Society of Mechanical Engineer) Design & Fabrication of Pressure Vessels
Based on the rules for pressure vessel design and construction, this course is a comprehensive introduction to the requirements of Section VIII, Division 1 including background, organization, design, materials, fabrication, inspection, testing and documentation of pressure vessels. It covers the more commonly applied subsections and paragraphs, and includes a practical discussion of individual problems and situations. Designed primarily for beginners, experienced vessel designers, who would like to update their knowledge of the Code, will also benefit from attending.
Course Outline
- Introduction to ASME Code and section VIII
- General Requirements
- Material Requirement
- General Design Requirement
- Design for Internal Pressure
- Design for Buckling
- Design of Flat Heads and Covers
- Design of Opening
- Fabrication Requirement
- NDE, Testing, Pressure Relief and Documentation Requirement
- Requirement for Vessels Fabricated by Welding
- Requirement for Carbon and Low Alloy Steel
- Requirement for High Alloy Steel
- Requirement for Heat Treated Material
- Code Appendices
- Example Problem
Course Methode
Presentation, Discussion, Simulation, Case Study, and Evaluation.
Who Should Attends
- Those involved with the purchase, design, fabrication, or inspection of pressure vessels.
- Some technical background will be helpful
Ir. Subarmono MT, PE ( Expert in Mechanical Material )
- Duration: 3 days training
- Time: 29 – 31 Agustus 2012
- 5 – 7 September 2012
- 11 – 13 September 2012
- 16 – 18 Oktober 2012
- 29 – 31 Oktober 2012
- 12 – 14 November 2012
- 27 – 29 November 2012
- 19 – 21 Desember 2012
- 5 – 7 Desember 2012
- Venue: Melia Purosani Hotel, Yoyakarta
- Course fee: IDR 7.500.000 / participant (non residential)
- Special rate: IDR 7.000.000/ participant (non residential) for min. 3 participants from same company.