Mechanical Design Reliability
Hotel Ibis Yogyakarta l 22 – 24 Oktober 2014 l 08.00-16.00 WIB
This Mechanical Design Reliability Training Course is a practical application of fundamental mechanical engineering to system and component reliability. Designed for the practitioner, this course covers the theories of mechanical reliability and demonstrates the supporting mathematical theory. For the beginner, the essential tools of reliability analysis are presented and demonstrated. These applications are further solidified by practical problem solving and open discussion. The objective of this extensive application of reliability principles is to leave the participants prepared to address reliability related to mechanical equipment and to provide competency in the predominant tools of mechanical system reliability analysis. Course handouts include a course manual and RAC’s publication “Reliability Toolkit: Commercial Practices Edition.”(ev)
Course Content
- Introduction to Reliability of Mechanical Equipment
- The RAC
- Life cycle cost considerations
- Need for reliability engineering
- Basic definitions in reliability theory
- Elements of a comprehensive reliability program
- Mathematical Foundations of Reliability Engineering
- Part versus system reliability issues
- Probability functions
- General rules of probability
- Sampling
- Setting Reliability Requirements
- Determining customer needs
- Understanding customer performance reliability requirements
- Deriving product design reliability requirements
- Developing a system reliability model
- Allocating system reliability requirements to lower levels
- Design for Reliability
- Understanding the total environment
- Understanding how things fail
- Taking proactive action to address “high-risk” items
- Robust design/fault tolerance
- Designing for simplicity
- Integration
- Reliability program elements and correct timing of tasks
- Design reviews
- Overview of common reliability design tools
- Mechanical Reliability Assessment – Parts and Systems
- Definition and purposes
- Steps in making an assessment
- Assessment techniques for parts
- Failure data analysis
- Empirical models
- Mechanical stress/strength interference method
- Surrogate data
- System-level assessment
- RBDs
- Simulation
- Parts count
- Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
- What is a Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)?
- What are the benefits of performing an FMEA?
- When is an FMEA conducted?
- Who should perform an FMEA?
- What are the prerequisites, procedures & data elements?
- The summary report
- Fault Tree Analysis
- What is a Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)
- Benefits of performing an FTA
- Appropriate applications of an FTA
- FTA procedures
- Analyzing the fault tree
- Related analyses
- Ishakawa diagram
- Other
- Reliability Testing
- Development (discovery) Testing
- Reliability Qualification Testing
- Accelerated Life Testing
- Manufacturing/Production
- Trending System Reliability During Operation
- Trend analysis
- Point process
- Confidence interval determination
- Maintaining Reliability Through Production and Operation
- Effect of production and operation on reliability
- Production considerations
- Quality of production
- Supplier selection and management
- Designing for maintainability
- Reliability information systems
- Developing a maintenance program of corrective and preventive tasks
- Review and Wrap-Up
- Have a strategy
- Include the “right” reliability program elements
- Implement tasks at the correct time
- Have an effective data system
- Key points
- Where do you go from here
- Instructor
Dr. Ir. Jamasri
- Praticipan
Engineer, planner
- Facility
- Certificate, Training Kit, Module / Handout, Softcopy (USB flashdisk) Lunch, Coffee Break, Souvenir.
- Transportasi antar jemput selama training ( bandara / stasiun/ terminal, Hotel-tempat pelatihan PP)
- Method
- Presentation, Discussion, Case Study, Evaluation
- Registration
Biaya Investasi: Rp.6.000.000,- per peserta (Non Residential)
Rp.5.000.000,- per peserta (Pendaftaran 4 peserta dari 1 perusahaan)